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How Does The Slitter Operate Correctly?

2019-11-13 15:04   admin

What steps do we need to pay attention to when working with a slitter? The following High Speed Steel Coil Slitting Line suppliers come to answer for you.

First, after the equipment is powered on, the electric control door cannot be opened at will, and the electrical components should not be touched by hand, mainly to prevent electric shock and injury;

Second, the staff can not leave long hair, and need to wear gloves when operating the equipment, the sleeves of the clothes need to be tightened, and the equipment can not be touched by hand when running.

Third, the tool needs to be locked, and the operation cannot be touched by hand.

Fourth, you need to follow the work flow, and you need to be qualified for the job. When the device is running, you can not rely on the body to rest on any part of the device.

Fifth, the equipment shall not be used to control the door of the control box. Do not use any part of the body to touch the transmission part.

Sixth, when loading, it is necessary to pay attention to the fixed position of force and discharge, to prevent the raw material from falling off and causing leg bruises.

Eighth, do not place your hand on the mechanism to prevent it from getting caught.


High Speed Steel Coil Slitting Line

The above is what you need to pay attention to when working with the slitter. In addition, our Narrow Width Coil Slitting Line manufacturer can also share how to choose the slitter.

When choosing a slitter, you need to make a reasonable choice according to your own needs. The following is a small section of the slitting machine for you to talk about; First, the simple slitting machine: choose the ground type or the standard speed type, if The situation is not high demand for production.

When choosing a slitter, you need to make a reasonable choice according to your own needs. The following is a small series of slitting machines to talk about for you:

First, the simple slitting machine: choose the ground type or the standard speed type. If the production requirements are not high, you can consider the ground type, and vice versa, select the standard speed type.

Second, the standard type of slitter: Considering that some customers are not very demanding on the output, and the price of the whole set of equipment is relatively sensitive, the corresponding cost price will also save a lot.

Third, high-speed slitting machine: The operating speed of the slitter production line equipment can reach 200m/min, which is very suitable for enterprises with high production requirements such as steel material suppliers.

Ok, this is the introduction of the appropriate slitter, I hope this article can help you. If you have a need for a slitter, you can contact us. Our company is a professional manufacturer and exporter of fixed length production lines, slitting production lines, rotary cutting machines, cold rolling mills and hot rolling mills, as well as Slitting Blade Manufacturer. Welcome everyone.